48Tornado Vortex Ring
Level of skill [Tornado Vortex] +1.
Required skill: [Tornado Vortex]
52Tete Ring
Level of skill [Tete] +1.
Required skill: [Tete]
44Tierra Choque Ring
Level of skill [Tierra Choque] +1.
Required skill: [Tierra Choque]
20Tornado Holding Ring
Level of skill [Tornado Holding] +1.
Required skill: [Tornado Holding]
32Thunderstorm Ring
Level of skill [Thunderstorm] +1.
Required skill: [Thunderstorm]
36Triple Firing Ring
Level of skill [Triple Firing] +1.
Required skill: [Triple Firing]
100Tremendous Ring
Level of skill [Tremendous] +1.
Required skill: [Tremendous]
28Treasure Golem Summon ring
Level of skill [Treasure Golem Summon] increases by 1. Required skill: Treasure Golem Summon
32Takion Summon ring
Level of skill [Takion Summon] increases by 1. Required skill: Takion Summon
52Tempest Kick Ring
Increases the skill level of [Tempest Kick] by 1. Requires: Tempest Kick
100Triskelion Ring
Wearing this ring confers an increase of [Triskelion] by 1 to the applicable skill. You must know the applicable skill to activate this ring.
100Tearing alternate Ring
Wearing this ring confers an increase of [Tearing alternate] by 1 to the applicable skill. You must know the applicable skill to activate this ring.
56Turning Bash Ring
Level of skill [Turning Bash] +1. Required skill [Turning Bash]
64Throwing Axe Ring
Wearing this ring increases the level of the skill [Throwing Axe] by 1. You must have leaned the skill for it to be effective.
64Turning Force Ring
Wearing this ring increases the level of the skill [Turning Force] by 1. You must have leaned the skill for it to be effective.
100Tiger's Swiftness Ring
Ring that increases [Tiger's Swiftness]skill's level by 1. Applicable only when the skill is learned.
100Tenseness Ring
Ring that increases [Tenseness]skill's level by 1. Applicable only when the skill is learned.
36Twin Blades Ring
Level of all skills learned in the stance [Twin Blades] +1.
48Tail-guard Ring
Level of all skills learned in the stance [Tail-Guard] +1.
36The Illusionist Ring
Level of all skills learned in the stance [The Illusionist] +1.
100The Defender Ring
Level of all skills learned in the stance [The Defender] +1.
Required skill: [The Defender]
100Tactical Assistance Ring
Level of all skills learned in the stance [Tactical Assistance] +1.
Required skill: [Tactical Assistance]
16Testis ring
Level of all skills learned from Stance [Testis] increases by 1.
1Targan Shot Ring
Wearing this ring confers an increase of [Targan Shot] by 1 to the applicable skill
100Tested Guard Ring
Wearing this ring increases the level of all skills acquired from the stance [Tested Guard] by 1.
100The Defender Ring (30 day)
Wearing this ring confers an increase of [Defender] by 1 to the applicable skill. You must know the applicable skill to activate this ring. (30 day)
36Twin Blades Ring (30 day)
Wearing this ring confers an increase of [Twin Blade] by 1 to the applicable skill. You must know the applicable skill to activate this ring. (30 day)
48Tail-Guard Ring (30 day)
Wearing this ring confers an increase of [Tail Guard] by 1 to the applicable skill. You must know the applicable skill to activate this ring. (30 day)
44Targan Shot Ring (30 day)
Wearing this ring confers an increase of [Targan Shot] by 1 to the applicable skill. You must know the applicable skill to activate this ring. (30 day)
100Tactical Assistance Ring (30 day)
Wearing this ring confers an increase of [Technical Assistance] by 1 to the applicable skill. You must know the applicable skill to activate this ring. (30 day)
16Testis Ring (30 day)
Wearing this ring confers an increase of [Testis] by 1 to the applicable skill. You must know the applicable skill to activate this ring. (30 day)
100Tested Guard Ring (30 days)
Wearing this ring increases the level of all skills acquired from the stance [Tested Guard] by 1. You can use it for 30 days.