Weapons > Rifles
1Initiate's Ancestral Rifle
An old, discarded item that has been lightly polished. It's better than regular items but still weak. Infact, It's still rusty!
1.28 Cal. Match-Lock Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
1Queen's Rifle
A piece of basic equipment for pioneers granted by Her Majesty,
Queen of Vespanola.
8A rifle for the Novice.
A sword for the Novice.
8Expert Rifle
A piece of expert equipment for the nouveau Pioneer.
8.30 Cal. Match-Lock Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
12.32 Cal. Match-lock Rifle de Hitter
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
12.32 Cal. Match-lock Rifle de Artirero
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
12.32 Cal. Match-Lock Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
16.34 Cal. Match-Lock Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
20.28 Cal. Wheel-Lock Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
20Novice's Ancestral Rifle
An old, discarded item that has been somewhat polished. It's better than regular items but still weak.
20.30 Cal. Wheel-Lock Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
24.30 Cal. Wheel-Lock Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
24.30 Cal. Wheel-lock Rifle de Artirero
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
24.30 Cal. Wheel-lock Rifle de Hitter
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
24.32 Cal. Wheel-lock Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
28.34 Cal. Wheel-lock Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
28.32 Cal. Wheel-lock Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
28Elite Match-lock Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
32Barken Rifle
A high quality rifle made in Barken, south of Targan, a famous place for the manufacturing of firearms. It has a longer range and a more effective attack compared to other rifles. [Max Range +2.0m]
32.32 Cal. Brown Bess
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
32Daemon Shooter
[Unique] A rifle designed to annihilate Daemons.
32.34 Cal. Wheel-lock Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
36.32 Cal. Brown Bess de Artirero
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
36.32 Cal. Brown Bess de Hitter
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
36.34 Cal. Brown Bess
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
36.32 Cal. Brown Bess
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
36Elite Wheel-lock Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
40.34 Cal. Brown Bess
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
40Disciple's Ancestral Rifle
An old, discarded item that has been moderately polished. It's better than regular items but still a little weak.
40.36 Cal. Brown Bess
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
44Barken Rifle
A high quality rifle made in Barken, south of Targan, a famous place for the manufacturing of firearms. It has a longer range and a more effective attack compared to other rifles. [Max Range +2.0m]
44.36 Cal. Brown Bess
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
44Snap Shooter
[Unique] A rifle that fires rapidly but has slightly lower accuracy.
44.38 Cal. Brown Bess
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
48.38 Cal. Brown Bess de Artirero
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
48.38 Cal. Brown Bess de Hitter
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
48.38 Cal. Brown Bess
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
48.32 Cal. Dreyse
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
52.34 Cal. Dreyse
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
52.32 Cal. Dreyse
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
52Elite Brown Bess
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
56.34 Cal. Dreyse
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
56.36 Cal. Dreyse
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
60.36 Cal. Dreyse
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
60Explorer's Ancestral Rifle
An old, discarded item that has been polished. It's better than regular items.
60Assault Rifle
[Unique] A simple rifle with various functions.
60.36 Cal. Dreyse de Hitter
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
60.36 Cal. Dreyse de Artirero
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
60.38 Cal. Dreyse
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
64.38 Cal. Dreyse
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
64Cayenne Rifle
A rifle made by Cayenne, an engineer at Dr. Torsche's Mansion. [Head Shot Lv +1]
64.36 Cal. Sharps Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
68.40 Cal. Finisher
The work of the best gunsmith in the World, this gun wins popularity for having the longest range and a comfortable reloading mechanism. [ACC +10]
68.38 Cal. Sharps Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
68.36 Cal. Sharps Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
68Elite Dreyse
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
72.40 Cal. Finisher
The work of the best gunsmith in the World, this gun wins popularity for having the longest range and a comfortable reloading mechanism. [ACC +10]
72.38 Cal. Sharps Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
72.36 Cal. Sniper Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
72.42 Cal. Finisher
The work of the best gunsmith in the World, this gun wins popularity for having the longest range and a comfortable reloading mechanism. [ACC +10]
76.44 Cal. Finisher
The work of the best gunsmith in the World, this gun wins popularity for having the longest range and a comfortable reloading mechanism. [ACC +10]
76.36 Cal. Sniper Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
76.38 Cal. Sniper Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
76Precision Rifle
[Unique] A sophisticated long- range rifle that never misses.
76.42 Cal. Finisher
The work of the best gunsmith in the World, this gun wins popularity for having the longest range and a comfortable reloading mechanism. [ACC +10]
80Adept's Ancestral Rifle
An old, discarded item that has been heavily polished. It's better than new!
80.48 Cal. Finisher
The work of the best gunsmith in the World, this gun is popular for having a long range and a simple reloading mechanism. [ACC +10 / +12% Damage to Undead]
80.44 Cal. Finisher
The work of the best gunsmith in the World, this gun wins popularity for having the longest range and a comfortable reloading mechanism. [ACC +10]
80.38 Cal. Sniper Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
84.48 Cal. Finisher
The work of the best gunsmith in the World, this gun is popular for having a long range and a simple reloading mechanism. [ACC +10 / +12% Damage to Undead]
84Elite Sniper Rifle
Rifles have the advantages of great power, high accuracy and long effective range but they are slow and must be handled with both hands.
84Elite Finisher
The work of the best gunsmith in the World, this gun wins popularity for having the longest range and a comfortable reloading mechanism. [ACC +10]
88.52 Cal. Finisher
The work of the best gunsmith in the World, this gun is popular for having a long range and a simple reloading mechanism. [ACC +10 / +12% Damage to Undead]
88Dragon Hunter
A rifle that resembles a fire-breathing dragon.
92Crystal Shooter
A magnificent rifle made from refined crystals.
92Executioner Rifle
[Unique] A fatally powerful Hangman's rifle, used by AM Thantium
92Dragon Hunter
[Unique] A rifle that resembles a fire-breathing dragon.
96Dragon Hunter
[Unique] A rifle that resembles a fire-breathing dragon.
100Werewolf Rifle
Rifle used by Werewolves [+15% Damage to Humans]
100Elite Black dragon
A rifle that resembles a black dragon. [20% Chance to Blind enemy]
100The Diamond Dragon
A rifle that resembles a diamond dragon. [+185 Lightning Damage]
100The Emerald Dragon
A rifle that resembles a blue dragon. [+185 Ice Damage]
100The Ruby Dragon
A rifle that resembles a red dragon. [+185 Fire Damage]
100The Black Dragon
A rifle that resembles a black dragon. [20% Chance to Blind enemy]
100La Emperatriz
[Unique] Someone made this into a weapon but it's a part of strength foreseeing the fate. [ATK Rating +1]
100Elite La Emperatriz
Someone made this into a weapon but it's a part of strength foreseeing the fate.
100Veteran's Ancestral Rifle
An old, discarded item that has been greatly polished. It's better than new! It has a mysterious inner power emanating from it.
100Damaged Ancient Rifle
A damaged rifle thatlooks to have been used in the ancient times. It radiates a mysterious energy. [ DEX -10]